We treat varicose veins at home

Legs successfully treated for varicose veins

Varicose veins are successfully treated in the early stages and at home. Help in combined treatment will be provided by folk remedies, massage, gymnastics. We will look at the most effective home remedies for varicose veins.

Varicose veins most often affect the lower extremities. Excessive load on the legs leads to stress and damage to the walls of blood vessels, which can lead to blocked veins and ulcers.

Folk remedies for varicose veins

Folk remedies for the treatment of venous insufficiency have been used by our ancestors for hundreds of years. Many medicinal plants contain substances that are part of modern expensive medicines.

You can use folk remedies only after consulting a doctor.

In the early stage of the disease, varicose veins can be treated more easily and easily.

The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of varicose veins:

1. Horse chestnut

Active substances from chestnuts strengthen the walls of blood vessels, prevent the formation of blood clots in them and accelerate the resorption of already formed ones. It is also used for phlebitis and hemorrhoids.

Chestnut tincture

Take 25 g of chestnut flowers or fruits, pour 250 ml of vodka (ratio 1: 10). Put the bottle or jar with the product in a dark place, not forgetting to shake it every day. Insist for 14 days. Take the resulting infusion of 40 drops 3 times a day for at least 2 weeks. Furthermore, with improvement, you can continue the treatment, but reduce the daily dose by 2 times.

It can be usedchestnut tinctures and externallyrubbing sore legs. It will help reduce weight in the legs, improve blood circulation. Many ointments and creams for varicose veins contain chestnut extract.

2. Apple cider vinegar

Vinegar compresses have been shown to be effective for varicose veins on the legs

Apple cider vinegar contains important trace elements, vitamins, organic acids. They lubricate varicose veins on the legs. Vinegar cools, tones the skin and capillaries. The best thingrub it into varicose veinsa piece of cotton in the morning and in the evening.

I canGauze wrap with vinegar:cover your feet with wet napkins, wrap plastic bags on top and keep for an hour.

Vinegar compress- an alternative to wrapping. Dip a towel in apple cider vinegar, put it on your feet and leave it for 20 minutes. The legs should be slightly raised, it is necessary to lie on the back.

It canwash feet with bite solution(for 1 glass - 3 liters of water) after showering, without wiping, so that they dry on their own. Repeat the procedure several times during the day.

3. Recipe for varicose veins (from Vanga)

  • Recipe number 1.To prevent varicose veins, every morning at dawn you must walk on the dew in natural socks. When the socks are completely wet, you don't need to take them off. The dew should dry on its own.
  • Recipe number 2.Drizzle unripe walnuts with oil, preferably olive oil. Place the mass in the sun for 40 days. Rub the resulting product into your feet. It is important to make the most of it.

4. Leeches

Leeches for varicose veins - an effective remedy for traditional medicine

Leeches for varicose veins have been used quite widely and for a long time. Leeches produce a special substance - hirudin. It prevents blood clotting, thins the blood and prevents the formation of blood clots.

Hirudotherapy will help you get rid of varicose veins and even completely remove spider veins. Many varicose vein ointments contain hirudin. It is not worth using leeches on their own. It is better to contact a phlebologist and take a course of hirudotherapy (5-6 sessions), which is repeated after 3-4 months.

In one session, 4-5 leeches are attached to the most problematic place and along the vein. There is no need to fear the procedure. It is completely painless, and the effect will exceed all expectations.

5. Nutmeg

Tincture with nutmeg is one of the strongest drugs for the treatment of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis.

200 g of nuts are grated, pour 1 liter of vodka, insist for 2 weeks. Take 25 drops of the tincture 3 times a day. But be careful: nutmeg contains poisonous substances and strong hallucinogens. The dose must not be exceeded.

6. Treatment of varicose veins with peroxide

In varicose veins and thrombophlebitisa swab with peroxide is applied20-25 minutes on affected areas and ulcers. It is very important to keep this time, because the usual peroxide rinse does not give such a good result.

In addition, specially designedperoxide solution is administered intravenously. It has been proven that washing veins with a peroxide solution cleans the walls of blood vessels from blood clots, helps to get rid of varicose veins. But this procedure is carried out only by an expert!

7. Treatment of varicose veins with honey

Honey is not only a delicious treat, but also a powerful anti-inflammatory, multivitamin remedy. Honey is used externally for healing trophic ulcers, resorption of venous nodes.

  • Honey compress. Apply a thin layer of honey on a towel or cloth, wrap your legs and cover with additional polyethylene and another towel for insulation. The first procedure lasts 2 hours, the next - 4 hours or more.
  • Infusion of honey with garlic. Take 250 g of crushed garlic and 350 g of honey. Mix and let it stand for a week. After that, take a tablespoon at least 3 times a day before meals.

Massage for varicose veins

Massage for varicose veins has a beneficial effect on the skin of the legs, smoothes it, improves circulation and tissue trophism, relieves the network of lymphatic capillaries and venous vessels. Contraindications for massage are heart disease, serious problems with blood vessels, complications of varicose veins and trophic ulcers. The massage is performed under the supervision of a doctor.

Foot massage is extremely useful for varicose veins

Varicose veins massage techniques are in a special sequence. The patient lies on his back, his legs are slightly raised. Massage the thighs and buttocks first, then the legs, then the feet. The feet are caressed and rubbed.

Compression underwear for varicose veins

For the prevention and treatment of varicose veins, special underwear is produced - socks and stockings. Stockings are good because they don't constrict the popliteal fossa area. But golf courses are better for summer, because they are not hot. It is necessary to move not only according to your taste, but also according to the situation and the severity of the disease. Either way, high-quality compression underwear will benefit. Such socks and golf shoes are comfortable, the legs get less tired in them, the massage effect occurs.

Exercises for varicose veins

To prevent the development of varicose veins, it is important to avoid heavy static loads. If you have a sedentary job, you should walk more. Swimming helps a lot. If you get very tired at work, your legs hurt and "buzz" at the end of the day, you need to relax them regularly, lifting them and supporting them.

Here are some effective exercises for varicose veins:

  1. Raise yourself up on your toes so that your heels are 1 cm off the floor, then lower yourself sharply to the floor. Do this 20 times, with a 20-second break. Do a total of 3 reps.
  2. Sitting on a chair, raise your legs and make circular movements with your feet. Alternately pull the socks away from you and towards you.
  3. Sitting on a chair, without taking your toe off the ground, raise your heels (15-20 times). After that, without tearing the heels, lift and pull the socks towards you.
  4. Lying on your back, do the "bicycle" exercise. Legs should make at least 100 scrolls.
  5. Lying on your back, do the same movements with your legs as described in paragraph 3.

Apply our proven recipes, follow the doctor's instructions and you can quite successfully, if not get rid of varicose veins permanently, then at least significantly reduce the risk of its further development.